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Learning Disabilities

Psychoeducational assessment will help to identify an individual's learning style as well as the strengths and challenges in both their cognitive as well as academic profiles. Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities (LDs) in areas such as reading (Dyslexia), writing (Dysgraphia) and math (Dyscalculia) or even a Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD) is possible. In addition to testing with the client, our assessment involves collection of information through standardized questionnaires, interviews and observation. Each assessment is customized to the individual's unique profile rather than simply using a standard battery or "one-size fits all" model.

The starting point in treatment of a Learning Disability is with proper understanding of the LD diagnosis. The client, the school and family members need to be informed about the LD and the implications for family life, education and work. We offer individual and group sessions for LD demystification and education. We provide recommendations to help with planning the treatment process - at home, school and work, as necessary. Referral to tutoring or to appropriate remedial services is part of the treatment planning.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can often be confused with other developmental or processing problems. A comprehensive psychoeducational assessment will help to pinpoint if ADHD is the main problem or if there are other underlying difficulties that could better explain the focus or activity level problems an individual is having. An abbreviated assessment may be indicated if the individual is not experiencing academic or learning problems. Through the course of the assessment we are able to pinpoint not only whether a client has ADHD but also the specific subtype of ADHD they have: Inattentive, Hyperactive-Impulsive or Combined type. Interventions are then tailored to the specific needs of the client.

ADHD treatment involves development of a treatment plan based on client and family profile. Follow-up services around behaviour management and organizational skills are most common. Consultation with schools regarding positive behaviour support is possible. Referral to appropriate medical professionals to consider whether medication may assist with treatment is considered when appropriate.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment involves detailed interview regarding developmental history and current functioning as well as testing with the client. Adding developmental testing or even a full psychoeducational assessment component to the ASD assessment can provide a more comprehensive picture of the client's learning style and identify if there is a concurrent Learning Disability.

ASDs are treated in a number of ways through our clinic. We consult on client's Individualized Program Plans (IPP) when needed to help set achievable goals on an annualized basis. We also provide skill building interventions through intensive behavioural intervention. We can arrange to do school/preschool or home visits as needed to help consult around adaptive behaviour and inclusion of a child in a particular setting. Finally, we have individual and group sessions for social skills for all ages (child through adult) via skills taught through the Program for Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) program.

Behaviour Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are two common behaviour disorders that we see in our practice along with general parenting/behaviour concerns that may not be severe enough to warrant specific diagnosis. We also deal with relationship or family conflict, anger management, bullying, and self-esteem issues.

Mood Disorders

We treat clients with depression, bipolar disorder and post-partum mood issues through our clinic. Our approach is primarily one of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT). We also treat adjustment issues related to grief/significant illness, separation or divorce, moves, school or job changes, and phase of life changes. These adjustment issues may or may not warrant a diagnosis of a major mood disorder.

Anxiety Disorders

A variety of anxiety disorders are treated in our practice. These include: generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and specific phobias. We use cognitive and behavioural techniques such as CBT and graded exposure and response prevention that are customized to the client's concerns.

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Dr. Valerie Corkum & Associates

Psychological Services for Children, Teens, Adults, Couples and Families

23 Waterstone Run, Lucasville, Nova Scotia Canada B4B 1X5

© 2018 Dr. Valerie Corkum & Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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